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Core portion of habitat restoring actions successfully completed

During late summer 2022 the largest and most relevant portion of habitat restoring planned actions has been successfully performed. Main goal of such actions is the creation of new available breeding niches for the two main target species, Marbled Duck and Ferruginous Duck. In the central part of Pantano Longarini water surface has been increased through the creation of new winding canals with many inlets, whilst the excavated soil has been used to create a series of islets in a wide range of shapes, sizes and heights in order to provide to a large number of Waders and Terns species suitable surfaces for migration stop -over that can emerge even during late winter and spring, in the presence of highest water level. Such islets have been also planned and designed to offer suitable breeding niches to species such as Little Tern, Kentish Plover, Little Ringed Plover, Black-winged Stilt, Slender-billed Gull, etc.. As a further planned consequence, the excavation process of the new canals described above has also created four large islands already colonized by vegetation and trees in particular; such islands were specifically meant as new potential breeding niches for a few Heron species which have been already regularly breeding in the are, but with very few pairs due to lack of existing suitable niches.



Official opening of the “Saline Panze-Longarini” cycling and walking path

The official opening of the cycling and walking path on the Northern side of Pantano…

Core portion of habitat restoring actions successfully completed

During late summer 2022 the largest and most relevant portion of habitat restoring planned actions…

First Marbled duck breeding pairs among birds coming from the restocking program

Concrete conservation actions to reshape portions of Pantano Longarini carried out during summer 2021 continue…

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