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Project’s main objective is restoring and creating ideal conditions both for wintering and breeding within Natura 2000 site «Pantani della Sicilia Sud-Orientale» for two of the rarest and mostly endangered duck species at EU level, Marbled duck and Ferruginous duck.

Project specific objectives, in decreasing degree of priority, can be identified as follows:

  1. Significantly increase breeding and wintering populations of Marbled duck (Marmaronetta angustirostris) thus creating suitable conditions to promote and bring to a final degree the colonization process of the area spontaneously undertaken by this species a few years ago
  2. Significantly increase breeding and wintering populations of Ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca)
  3. Significantly increase breeding population of Purple swamp-hen (Porphyryo porphyryo)
  4. Significantly increase wintering population of Bittern (Botaurus stellaris)
  5. Increase number, range and availability of ecological valuable niches and suitable breeding sites for a number of bird species currently migrant, in particular Waders (5 species in Annex 1 of Birds Directive), Herons (7 species in Annex 1), Terns and Gulls (6 species in Annex 1)



Official opening of the “Saline Panze-Longarini” cycling and walking path

The official opening of the cycling and walking path on the Northern side of Pantano…

Core portion of habitat restoring actions successfully completed

During late summer 2022 the largest and most relevant portion of habitat restoring planned actions…

First Marbled duck breeding pairs among birds coming from the restocking program

Concrete conservation actions to reshape portions of Pantano Longarini carried out during summer 2021 continue…

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