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The STIFTUNG PRO ARTENVIELFALT (Foundation Pro Biodiversity) is a German Foundation officially recognized as an NGO and charitable organization whose main objectives are the conservation and increase of biodiversity, in particular of the species listed in Directive 79/409/EEC (Birds Directive) and Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitats directive).

The Foundation’s action deploys mainly through valuable (under an ecological and biodiversity perspective) land purchases and consequent habitat management activities to preserve high eco-value areas and unleash their biodiversity potential, eventually restoring damaged or polluted parts of habitats, eliminating limiting factors (such as human activities disturbance, water misuse, soil misuse, and so on), re-shaping mankind modified and ruined biotopes and habitats according to their original natural features, creating or re-creating a wide range or niches suitable for exisisting species to improve their conservation status, with a particular focus on rare or threatened species populations.

The Foundation has been active in Germany since the past 15 years, and currently owns and manages approximately 500 hectars including a wide range of habitats (mountain forests, lowland forests, wetlands, lakes, lowland open grasslands, rivers, sea shore and small islands).

Five years ago opened an operational branch in Italy and started buying land in South-East Sicily, in one of the most important wetlands for migrating birds and for a few rare and threatened breeding birds species. SPA currently owns and manages in this area 345 hectars of land, including 2 of the largest lagoons, Pantano Cuba and Pantano Longarini

The STIFTUNG PRO ARTENVIELFALT is also directly involved in financing and running Bird Protection and anti-poaching Camps in Southern Europe (Italy, Malta, Cyprus) against illegal birds hunting and slaugther.


New colony of Little tern and Black-winged Stilt on islets

Concrete conservation actions to reshape portions of Pantano Longarini carried out during summer 2021 keep…

First school class visit to LIFE Marbled duck PSSO project

After two years of forced stop, the first school class coming from "F. Pappalardo" Institute…

Restocking of Marbled duck specimens in Pantano Longarini

As part of concrete conservation actions of LIFE Marbled duck PSSO project to support wider…

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