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The second meeting  with advisory the committee took place yesterday. Main topic was the importance of communication to enhance project impact on the territory through the most suitable forms according to specific category of stakeholders to which it is addressed (tourism operators, farming companies, schools, etc.). Soon after the meeting, members of the committee (composed by representatives of NGOs, farming companies and farmers, hunters, schools, local institutions and tourism industry operators) were guided into one of main LIFE project intervention areas in Pantano Longarini. Directly on site, the LIFE project manager illustrated in detail concrete conservation actions in favor of the project’s target species that are going to start in the next weeks. The committee also had the opportunity to be updated on actions and  related results achieved in recent months to increase the Marbled duck population in the target area.


Official opening of the “Saline Panze-Longarini” cycling and walking path

The official opening of the cycling and walking path on the Northern side of Pantano…

Core portion of habitat restoring actions successfully completed

During late summer 2022 the largest and most relevant portion of habitat restoring planned actions…

First Marbled duck breeding pairs among birds coming from the restocking program

Concrete conservation actions to reshape portions of Pantano Longarini carried out during summer 2021 continue…

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