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The contest “Create a Logo for LIFE” is back

After forced stop due to Coronavirus lock-down period, the “Create a Logo for LIFE Marbled duck PSSO project” contest is back. All members of High Schools, Universities and Design Schools, members and volunteers of nature protection NGOs are invited to submit their logo proposals for this project which is going to be implemented in Pantani della Sicilia Sud orientale wetland. You can sign up within Novembre 20th, 2020. All participant will be able to express their creativity and skills in representing main target species of the project, Marbled duck, and/or other target species such as Ferruginous duck, Bittern, Purple swamp-hen. Deadline for logo proposals  submission is December, 20th, 2020. Among proposals received, the winner will be selected according to its originality, creativity, coherence with the project rationale and scope. The selected logo will become the official logo of the project and displayed on the website and on all project’s official documents, publications, notice boards, brochures. Download and read the instructions to join in and good luck!

Download instructions


Official opening of the “Saline Panze-Longarini” cycling and walking path

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Core portion of habitat restoring actions successfully completed

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First Marbled duck breeding pairs among birds coming from the restocking program

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